Notices 5th February

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Morning Service


Church Action on Poverty

led by Marjorie Cockburn

incl. Junior Church & Crèche

Evening Service


led by Sally Coleman

"If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new."

2 Corinthians 5 v.17

Church Action on Poverty. Sunday 5th February at 1:00pm there is going to be a Hunger Lunch. All are welcome. Your generous support enabled our church to send over £400 last year. Your support would be appreciated again this year. Jenny and Dorothy.

Church Council Meeting is on Tuesday 7th February, at 7:30pm, in the worship area.

Branching Out. The deadline for all articles for the church magazine is Sunday 12th February. Please email Stuart C. Thanks.

Wesley Guild commences its Spring Session on Monday 13th February at 2:30pm with Rev. John Peacock as speaker. All are welcome to all our meetings. John G.

A Coffee Morning has been arranged on Saturday 25th February 10:30am-1:00pm to celebrate Trevor's 80th birthday. Light refreshments will be available i.e. sandwiches and cakes. Please come along and wish Trevor a happy birthday. No presents please, but any donation will be gratefully received and given to a charity of Trevor's choice. Pat.

House Group will soon be back up and running. Next meetings are:
- 'Life on the Front Line' on Wednesday 15th February at 7:30pm. This is the first session of a short course exploring how we can be Christians wherever we are in the week. How can we be faithful in the workplace, in our neighbourhoods, with friends etc.? Why did/does God place us there, specifically? For venue, ask Wendy.
- 'Pancakes at the Manse' on Shrove Tuesday 28th February. More of a social session, but perhaps some preparation/ exploration of Lent as well.
All welcome, especially those of working age. Wendy & Katie.

Theatre performances. Tickets available with 25% discount for both the following 2 performances:
- Musical "The Wizard of Oz" on Friday 15th December 2017 at 7:15pm, at the Crucible. Tickets £24.
- Pantomime "Mother Goose" on Friday 5th January 2018 at 7:00pm, at the Lyceum. Tickets £20.25 for seats in the front stalls.
Also available seats at £15 (no discounts) for both performances. All tickets should be paid for by Sunday 26th February 2017. Cliff.

Update: Katie works from the office at Wisewood on Mondays, between 9:00am-12:00noon (please note change of times) when she's available, without appointment.

Prayer Group. The prayer group did not meet formally on Sunday as those present assisted with the organisation for 'Cafe Church' worship. The theme of the worship was - Living in a world of "Post Truth". We ask that God's Spirit of truth shed light on minds clouded and confused that they may see the truth; on inward-looking or inactive churches that they might live the truth; on communities, cynical and soulless, that they might discover the truth through us and through your Church.

May God's Spirit surround us with His truth and peace. May He help us to discern amidst human follies what really holds us safe. May He help us display amidst society's false promises what is really worth holding on to. May He help us demonstrate how security is freedom in life lived following Jesus Christ as Lord.